Underfloor Heating
Floor heating – The ultimate in ‘Toe to Head’ Comfort Heating
There is no better feeling on cold winter days than the total comfort provided by floor heating. Suitable under most floor coverings. Suitable for new buildings and extensions where a new slab is to be poured. You need no longer hesitate about using durable easy to clean, but cold, surfaces like polished concrete and tiles as they will now be your source of warmth. Forget noisy, draughty and stuffy hot air systems forever and be gently and luxuriously warmed from toe to head instead. All your floor and wall space remains free from unsightly consoles, vents and grills. You may position furniture and fittings anywhere in the room at any time as warmth is uniform to all positions.
- Hydronic Floor Heating
- Electrical InSlab HeatingElectrical InSlab Heating
- Electrical InSlab Heating
- Electrical Undertile
- Thermostats
Eden Comfort offer free quoting on our Radiant Heating Products.
Contact Eden Comfort for further under floor heating information

Adelaide Metropolitan Adelaide Hills Barossa Clare Valley Eyre Peninsula
Fleurieu Peninsula Limestone Coast Riverland York Peninsula
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Why Radiant Floor Heating
The main reasons our customers select radiant floor heating
Affordable Installation Room by room control maximises efficient energy use Once in a Lifetime investment Traditionally cold surfaces become your heat source
Extremely comfortable at every point in the room Compatible with home automation Reduces mould from wet areas Significant benefits for asthma and allergy sufferers